Tourist Information – english


FAQ – Frequently asked questions

1. What is the FSB? 

The FSB is an association for family, sport and nudist sunbathing. It was created 1968. Since 1973 it has its own association area the ‘FSB-Sportpark’ at Hildesheim – an oasis in the country.

2. Where is the location of Hildesheim? 

Hildesheim (101.000 inhabitants), the ancient still young city is located 30 kilometers south from the states capital of Lower Saxony Hannover in a beautiful scenic situation at the border between the northern German flats and the mid country mountain area. It has outstanding traffic connections both by roads (motorway A7) and rail (ICE-station).
Hildesheim is the cultural center between Harz and Hannover. The St Michaels Church (1016) and the Dome St. Mary (850) are monuments recorded in the UNESCO world culture list, the attractive town centre and a multiplicity of historical buildings and churches invite for visiting during your stay. The ‘Hildesheimer Rosen Route’, a system of route markings, guides you through this beautiful city, which offers a rich variety for sport and leisure activities, an outstanding selection of pubs, taverns and modern hotels. You find museums, a fabulous theatre and a rich nature for enjoying.

3. Where is the association area located? 

The location of our association area the ‘FSP-Sportpark’ is only 3 kilometers south west from the center of the city on top of the Rottsberg hill, scarcely 80 meters above the city. It is only a few steps away from the Hildesheim youth hostel (Jugendherberge), and surrounded by forests, in a landscape protection area.
The address reads:

  • FSB – Hildesheim
  • Rottsberg 1
  • D-31139 Hildesheim
  • Tel: +49 (0) 51 21 / 47 64 6

4. How can I come to the area? 

„If you arrive by car via motorway A7 ?“ Hildesheim is located directly at the motorway A7 and has two motorway exits: Hildesheim and Drispenstedt.  The exit ‘Hildesheim’ leads you directly on the federal highway B1. Drive in western direction: Zentrum/Hameln’ and follow the B1, always straightforward up to the exit ‘Bockfeld’. Leave the B1, drive toward ‘Bockfeld’. After approx. 600 meters follow the white traffic sign at the right site: ‘FSB Hildesheim’ and the sign: ‘Jugendherberge’ (Youth hostel). Turn right and follow the street Triftstrasse uphill. Then follow the fastened road into the forest. The tar road ends after 200 m directly in front of the gate 1 of the ‘Sportpark’. This gate is provided with a closing plant and only to be opened with a key or transmitter. On first arrival continue another 100 m to gate 2. There you find the door bell and an intercom for guests. The exit Drispenstedt leads you on the federal highway B243. Drive toward ‘Hildesheim Zentrum’. On the 3. traffic light, you turn right on the federal highway B1 toward ‘Hameln’ up to the exit Bockfeld. Further see above. Our association area lies in the local town district ‘Bockfeld’, on the Rottsberg hill in the forest beside the youth hostel Hildesheim. You can orient yourself also by use of the illustrated traffic reference.
If you arrive by train? Hildesheim offers an excellent public bus system. You find the public bus station just in front of the main station. Pick Bus No 2, direction ‘Theodor Storm Str.’, leave at bus stop ‘Bohlweg’. Continue with Bus No 4, direction ‘Koken-Hof’ to bus stop “Triftstr.’. You’re now at the foot of the Rottsberg Hill. Walk the ‘Triftstrasse’ uphill until you meet the forest edge, continue another 300 m and you’re in front of gate 1 of our ‘FSB-Sportpark’ where you find doorbell and intercom.
This is the inexpensive but ‘sporty’ way (~ 2€, 45 min). You might prefer to use the Taxi services which are more comfortable and available directly in front of the main station as well.

5. What can I do there? 

We offer the the following at the ‘FSB-Sportpark’ :: A sauna with a small inhouse pool,  a sporty 25 x 10 m external pool with solar heating, 3 all-weather table tennis plates, 2 beach-volleyball-fields, 4 petanque – pistes, 2 indiaka or badminton fields, 1 adventure playground for children.

6. Can I stay there overnight? 

For our guests we hold approx. 10 guest places with power connections (230 V, AC)  for tents/caravans ready. For camper vans we offer parking bays on our parking ground (without power connection). We do not make rooms available for overnight stay.
Guests which would not stay at the ‘FSB-Sportpark’ overnight, find a large number of hotels from all categories at Hildesheim. The local youth hostel ‘Jugendherberge’ is in walking distance from the area

7. Are dogs permitted? 

Sorry, dogs do not have an admission to the FSB -Sportpark

8. Do I have to announce myself ? 

If you want to stop over only during the day on our area and not stay overnight, there is no need to  announce yourselves. For guests with tent, caravan or camper van, it is necessary that they  announce themselves. Only a limited number of  places are available. Use the online registration form on our homepage.
You find it under the entry: Kontakt.

9. What can I set out for at the near environment? 

Directly from the area you have good opportunities to hike and cycle (sporty people may like the nearby old quarry for this).
The international objects of interest at the city of Hildesheim are in reach by your car (5 minutes), the public bus system (20minutes) or a fabulous walk (30 minutes).
You reach the ‘Harz’ mountain region (max. elevation 1.100 m) in a scarce hour of drive. The rich Hildesheimer catering trade begins already 800 meters before the area.  For information about Hildesheim look under:

10. Are groceries or other shops around? 

The next supermarket is approx. 800 meters away. On site our members run an internal catering group (BWV) at the association house ‘Tenne’, which provides us on area with drinks, ice and sweets. Next bakery and pharmacy is about 1 km away.

11. How can I contact the FSB? 

You have still questions that were not answered by this document?
Please send us an email with your questions:

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